Komentar :
Slamet Purwanto (08/05/2018 05:14)
Muslim friendly, nasabah diajak solat dzuhur berjamaah saat waktu sholat tiba. Mushola ada di lantai 3
Fitri Andari (19/03/2018 03:24)
Nyaman.. Ramah tamah.. Di sediain kue dan air mineral... Terimakasi bni syariah
Zaenudin Zae (08/11/2017 10:25)
Choirul Akhmad (29/06/2017 06:35)
Masih Lebaran oge rame... antrinya panjang
Muhammad Rizki Prawiraatmadja (24/01/2017 20:48)
Good service from their employees, but I think it needs more sign to show the location since the building is not as conspicuous as the surrounding buildings.
Mohammad Ali Muiz (26/04/2013 01:16)
Wrong address point, BNI Syariah is located close to Jambu Dua