Komentar :
Shally Oktaviani (11/05/2018 00:54)
Okeee tempatnya buat lari dari riuhnya kota....nyesss banget..
Wachyudi (10/04/2018 10:29)
Tempatnya bagus
Belen Belen (26/02/2018 10:19)
Ok buat bawa keluarga / anak.
unboxing indonesia (11/12/2017 00:45)
Lokasi di sebelah taman.budaya
+ Ga terlalu rame
+ Toilet bersih
+ Tiket murah 12rb
+ Coin kereta 10rb
+ Adem
+ Suasana nyaman cuaca sentul lah...
+ Wahana bervariasi
Redi_ Story (28/11/2017 13:04)
Lumayan baguz
Gusri 2017 (24/11/2017 01:27)
The entrance
If you're looking for a place for picnic..you can consider this Alam Fantasia. It's green and spacious, as well as has cool fresh air. .
However, i don't recommend the kiddy rides or playground because they are too old and rustic. They are not worth the price anymore. I hope they will re-new them soon.
Kurnia Ajji (19/11/2017 15:12)
Tempat rekreasi keluarga, tapi sudah gak selengkap dulu. Masuknya murah cuma 10ribu per orang. Kalo mau main ada Bumper Car, Sepeda, Becak Mini, Sky Cycle. Ada Lapangan Basket, Lapangan Bola.