Komentar :
galih ajeng (14/05/2018 23:48)
Gorontalo's traditional food, delicious and a bit spicy.
Denkfout rhy (27/04/2018 13:31)
nyaman di lidah dan cukup memuaskan
risno neu (15/02/2018 09:54)
Cita Adati (01/11/2017 13:18)
The best snack in Gorontalo!
Debby Atmadja (27/03/2017 23:46)
Everybody come to eat ilabulo & have to wait about 30 minutes while they grill it. Not much choices but taste good. Something different made of starch & eggs.
aldy ali (29/01/2017 12:49)
The illabulo's is awesome..
Parahita Satiti (17/08/2016 05:38)
Best traditional food i eat to date. A mix of tapioka starch paste with minced chicken and hot spices. Love it!
david ismail (02/09/2017 06:01)
Ilabulo penganan khas Gorontalo, paling enak dsni
huawei.honor@yahoo.com wawan (15/06/2017 22:46)
enak..makanan ciri khan gorontalo
Farry Lucas (28/02/2017 14:21)
Wisata kuliner khas Gorontalo
Putry Hasan (26/12/2016 07:36)
Makanan khas gorontalo😍😍😍
Dan bisa jadi oleh" dari gorontalo (bisa di packing)
Roem Dj (18/12/2016 00:47)
Ilabulo nya enak