Komentar :
Farisa Amo (26/05/2018 13:31)
There are many stuffs here. U can find groceries here
hidayat lahabu (08/03/2018 08:49)
If u in hurry..this place had a lot of goods you need
manager IEC (24/01/2018 10:04)
They have a lot of stationary and other stuff to fair prices
Imam w (21/12/2017 12:14)
This place is a bookstore and also the place you can buy goods like guitar and many more. If want to buy a book, this place is the right place for you
Gema Putra Baculu (05/08/2017 08:36)
Complete,,,all u can buy,,,
Lucky Lukmanto (19/06/2017 07:10)
One of 5 bookstores
Reagan Hasiru (06/07/2017 13:04)
Harganya tidak setinggi kualitasnya
Lukmanto Abdullah (19/06/2017 07:10)
One of 5 bookstores