Komentar :
hikaria luqito (14/12/2018 10:25)
If you are not usual with Kudus' road, you might get confuse because the place is arranged on the side of the wide road. Using google maps may help a little. When you come inside, the queue number has already prepared on the table. So, you just need to take it and wait for your turn. The service is quite good. So, overall, good.
anifah karya pengrajin (17/08/2018 03:26)
Gudang Hardware (23/03/2018 13:42)
So close to delivery in here.
Nurul Irfan (29/08/2017 12:02)
Easy to go there
Adhistya Febryanto (25/08/2017 09:35)
Cheap express expeditions and fast delivery.
ali trihartanto (17/08/2018 03:26)
Moh Rodlikhan (23/03/2018 13:42)
So close to delivery in here.
johan pratama (10/11/2017 06:32)
azolla Indonesia (02/09/2017 20:32)
Good service
Fi freya (09/09/2017 02:19)
Customer service OK,lokasi strategis,hari minggu tetap buka
klikaik (07/08/2017 11:30)
kalau ada kendala pengiriman, pasti dibantu langsung saat itu juga di tempat, nice Tiki Kudus :)
Andi Ardiansyah Andi (03/06/2017 20:49)
tempat mengirim paket
Wahyu Presdir (21/05/2017 20:03)
Kirim paket ke luar kota
Sulis Yulfikar (31/03/2017 18:28)
Untuk pengiriman ke hongkong nyampe brapa hr ya?
Ipunkskinhead Karunia (26/03/2017 06:03)
Jasa pengiriman terpercaya dan kredibel
Irvan Elhusain (11/03/2017 11:06)
Pusatnya tiki di wilayah kudus..buka sampe jam 8 malam
pujo husodo (30/10/2015 12:02)
Pegawe tiki ramah dan cantik terutama mbk april
Nasrun Kansa (19/09/2015 13:38)
Mhon d ksih foto tempat nya...mksh..