Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Taman Cerdas Kecamatan Jebres

Blora, Jawa Tengah
Alamat: Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara RT02 RW25, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126, Indonesia
Rating: 4.30
Web: pages/ Taman-Cerdas-Kelurahan-Jebres/ 888888791167201?ref=bookmarks

Komentar :

Satryo anugerah Wibowo (08/05/2018 04:27)
Let's play with kid and be happy! An usefull place from solo goverment

Gentina Danurendra (20/04/2018 03:42)
This place is good for children to play, but the adult can also enjoy this place too, because there is free wifi here

Ivan Adi Pratama (09/04/2018 15:57)
Tempatnya bagus

Nurul Latifa (05/04/2018 16:31)
Tempatnya bagus untuk anak-anak karena ada banyak mainan anak-anak, ada gedung serba guna yang bisa digunakan untuk belajar, rapat, atau kegiatan lainnya. Dan, ada wifi gratis dari Pemkot Solo.

Indira Vita (09/02/2018 06:47)
good for hang out with kids and friend. good place to make activity

Damar Tiwi (03/02/2018 03:22)
Taman Cerdas is a public place that is a Destinasi Favorite people in the city of Solo. The park is provided by the city of Solo as a means of travel and play for the people. I like it here because a lot of beautiful places, we can take a picture on the sidewalk that has a paper lantern on the pole, a mannequin robot and the puppet and there's a special place to sit down and lean. There is a children's play and activists as well as the water fountain that will add to our convenience. In addition, the most important thing is here in a certain period of time, we can see the puppet and the java regional free.

Debora Pane (21/01/2018 08:55)
Child friendly park, there is free wifi, free entrance, but there's parking retribution costs around Rp.2000 - Rp.4000.

Randy Saaputra (19/01/2018 13:32)
Nice park to brought your kid or just hangout and use wifi on this area, but sometimes its very crowded

rizkastro albab (14/11/2017 04:00)
Relaxed place for studying or just hafing fun with friends

Kukuh Fachrudin (04/11/2017 08:37)
Good place for hangout if look for free wifi :) good for kids to, but in weekend night, the place packed with young people who tend to be a little annoying

cintia kumala dewi (08/09/2017 01:54)
It's have a spacious space...but i think the place needs more green

Bayu Priyambodo (29/08/2017 02:03)
Nice place to visit, kids will love it, also once a week there is gamelan practice, good wifi, but less in parking lot, always check your belongings and never left your goods in your motorcycle.

Aozora Kuchiki (25/07/2017 06:12)
This is a very good place to spent you free time with your loves one. Hou can go with your little siblings, cs it's an attractive place for them. There are ao many facioities like mosque, toilet, playground kids, gazebos, a hall to do some meetings, bench, and so on. The main building consist of Radio for kids, some place to educate new family life, library, and hall. You only need to paid park fee for about 2k rupiah. Have a nicwday here >

Zahara Nur Amalia (04/07/2017 04:11)
Only going here to hang out with friends if I'm bored with college. But a nice place with good wifi

Hafidz Wahyu Nur Cholis (17/06/2017 17:16)
A good place to spend leisure time with family and friends. It offers plenty of playground for children. Library, hall, and prayer room are available.

Nur S Sa'adi (06/06/2017 06:03)
So sad, too dusty right now...

Savira Qaini (07/04/2017 03:19)
one of public spaces in Solo that provide free and fast wifi

Dea Izza Pantari (16/03/2017 11:06)
Nice wifi

Mochammad Fawzi (27/02/2017 04:10)
Cozy but it's so sunny and hot

Farkhan Mubarok (20/12/2016 14:31)
Amazing place made by human

Deas Aliska (15/12/2016 10:44)
nice place, we can take a walk , can perform ,
there is a wifi ,

Budhi Arsa (15/12/2016 10:13)
My children really love this place

Dhimas Yanuar (14/08/2016 14:03)
Not a really a good place to hangout for. But its clean.

adi sutrisno (22/08/2016 10:00)
It's really wonderfull

Aisyah Putri (01/08/2016 14:38)
Good place to hang out and taking pictures!!!

Luthfi Wakhidina (12/07/2016 04:50)
Taman Pintar makes clever peoples

ziko indra cahya (25/04/2016 03:40)
Tempatnya asik

Ulfa Sitatur Rohmah (08/02/2016 19:05)
Nyaman buat ngumpul

Rdn Bagaz (25/01/2016 09:57)
Untunge Omah Ku Cdak Taman Cerdas..Iso Wifi Nan Neh

Wahyu Prih Mardoyo (27/12/2015 05:02)
Wifine lumayan

Akbar Samudra (18/11/2015 13:19)
Wow ada wifi gratis

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Dayasembada Swadarma. PT
    Solo Grand Mall, Jl. Brigjend Slamet Riyadi No.271, Penumping, Laweyan, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57141, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 271 733687
  2. Princess Syahrini Karaoke
    Mal Paragon, Jl. Yosodipuro No.133, Mangkubumen, Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57139, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 271 7881971
  3. Prima Meditama. PT
    JL. Melati, No. D467 A, Baturan Colomadu, Purwosari, Karanganyar, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57171, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 271 726028
  4. Lapangan Arseto Solo
    Panularan, Laweyan, Surakarta City, Central Java 57149, Indonesia
  5. SMK Negeri 2 (STM 1) Surakarta
    Jl. Adi Sucipto No.33, Manahan, Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57139, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 271 714901
  6. Phinisi Tour & Travel
    Jl. Brigjend Slamet Riyadi No.441, Pajang, Laweyan, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57147, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 818-289-443
  7. SMK Harapan Kartasura
    Jl. A. Yani, Gumpang Lor, Pabelan, Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah 57163, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 271 726911
  8. SMK (STM) Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta
    Jl. Dr. Supomo, Mangkubumen, Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57139, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 271 716088
  9. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Sahid Surakarta
    Jalan Yosodipuro No.87, Solo Timuran, Banjarsari, Timuran, Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57131, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 271 716919
  10. Rama Sakti Travel
    Jl. Honggowongso No.33 A, Kemlayan, Serengan, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57141, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 857-2925-2433
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