Komentar :
Andika Dwi (27/10/2017 03:29)
Soffian WA KOTA KEDIRI (12/09/2017 08:41)
Sekolahan kampus 1 cukup bagus di Kec. Ngraho
Warsito Bsmrb (20/05/2016 19:21)
Pendadaran lor
adi surya (24/06/2013 02:22)
i.ve been studied there for 3 years in senior high school.
that was unforgettable moment, when i've a lot of friend with their own style. hahaha
but there was the most beautiful place i've ever live, not because its territory or the scenery but the moment i have.
thank you for all especially SMK N NGRAHO's staff and teacher, you've gave me beautiful experience.
geomaptago ^_^
Wing Ganda (12/09/2017 08:41)
Sekolahan kampus 1 cukup bagus di Kec. Ngraho