Komentar :
Ilham Ishartono (18/01/2018 07:57)
A place without any reason to open minded
Pinky Aulia (11/10/2017 00:50)
This is a valuable place. In here many moments that happens and unforgettable. So grateful to be part of this school.
Nanda Arya Pratama (15/09/2017 02:35)
this is a good place for learning a lot of things. anybody can increase their capability in here
Hasta Jentera Kencana (28/07/2017 13:45)
This is a Public High School runs by the local office of the Minister of Education affiliation.
Artha Baskara Jati (18/04/2015 17:04)
there is a lot of story that I had there.. thanks for all my beloved teacher that has taught me..
Pratama Channel (15/09/2017 02:35)
this is a good place for learning a lot of things. anybody can increase their capability in here
Roni Kristiawan (27/06/2017 02:07)
SMAN paling oke di zamannya..cukup disiplin dalam pengawasan anak didik
Kristyohadi Trissuwantoro (14/02/2017 14:33)
It's an educational place
Dava Tarom Darti Dini Dava (12/11/2016 05:41)
Hendra Cahyono Ender (13/10/2016 08:53)
Sekolah yang sudah membawa hidupku dalam perubahaan yang lebih baik dan banyak kenanngan.
Anggara Hayuningtyas (25/05/2014 08:05)
Adorable School
puji wae (13/03/2014 14:55)
Alumni 91
Anugrah Eka (31/07/2016 06:08)
Sekolahnya bagus
Retno Widayanti (22/04/2016 13:24)
Zainal Abidin (06/08/2015 03:11)
Asik dah