Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Perumda Taman Satwa Taru Jurug Surakarta (Jurug Solo Zoo)

Blora, Jawa Tengah
Klasifikasi: Kebun Binatang
Alamat: Jl. Ir. Sutami No.109, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126, Indonesia
Rating: 3.70
Telp: +62 271 636279
Jam Operasional:
Monday: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Komentar :

Shane Walters (27/05/2018 15:19)
This place should be more clean and take better care of the animals, this is just wrong

Kristiana Tri (17/05/2018 03:35)
Actually it could be more interesting if the management puts more attention to the animal's care & condition. It seems the the place needs more arrangements & fixing. It's under reconstruction anyway. They are building some more facilities.

fez darma (01/05/2018 13:46)
Nice zoo but walking track not great (still not paved yet). Would be tricky if it's raining.

Nuraniza Khalili (28/03/2018 14:00)
Its good to bring children here. The area is shaded and breezy. And glad to see no harmed animals.

mbak ahla (05/03/2018 22:13)
Pls work harder to take care in danger species

erwin cahyadi (18/02/2018 03:56)
Clean cage, some spot needs repairment or at least neat area

Fauzan S R (16/12/2017 07:54)
I think the management changed i hope the animals inside would be covered in healthy and good service. They announch that in 21th december 17 would be opening the zoo in night time for light garden and some fun machine. But i was see in the instagram. They used some fake pictures. Oh please ur brand image would being bad. Why the management didnt take the real picture of the real light garden inside ? Carefull dude

Gouffardiaz Dewantoro (18/09/2017 18:24)
Small cage, skinny animals, dirty old place.
Please fire the zookeeper or change them, if the city doenst really want to have the zoo, please release the animal to where it belongs.
Big cat in a small cage!? What the f&*k!

firman firdaus (10/11/2017 06:41)

Rizkyana Tisni Andjarwati (26/08/2017 18:12)
It can be a really good place if it was cleaner.

Eds Armanto (08/08/2017 01:04)
Still in progress to be the best in Crntral Java

ilham ananto wibowo (05/07/2017 09:04)
Tempat rekreasi untuk mengenalkan hewan ke anak2, hanya minim kendaraan di dalam untuk keliling lokasi yg ckup luas -_-

Alib Budiyanto (05/07/2017 08:47)
Ok. Quite clean

ayahocha .boice (01/07/2017 06:17)

Puteri Amaliar (16/06/2017 11:26)
You can ride camel and elephant at weekend here.

Putra Sawur (15/03/2017 18:06)

Eny Fitriyanti (05/03/2017 03:45)
Taman satwa tempat bermain dan belajar untuk anak serta ada taman nya .. tempatnya juga sejuk

tofan ariesmana (25/02/2017 04:26)
Sudah makin bagus tempatnya.... buat edukasi anak cocok bgt....

Y. C. P. d Prasetyadarma (16/01/2017 01:43)

Ahmad irjai (14/01/2017 08:32)
Kalau hanya sekedar memperkenalkan anak pada beberapa hewan sih bisa, tapi untuk menikmati suasananya terasa kurang. Perlu penambahan wahana dan setting area yang nyaman, bersih dan mengasyikkan.

diki trihayatni putri (08/11/2016 14:37)

Wh Setiyorini (22/10/2016 04:53)
Tempat wisata ini hanya berjarak sekitar 10 menit bersepeda motor dari rumah. Lokasi nya besar. Tapi, sayang sekali, tempatnya sungguh memprihatinkan. Kotor dan seperti tidak terawat. Sepi. Berharap tempat ini dikelola dengan baik oleh pemerintah.

Nabilla Khudori (10/10/2016 16:35)
Kurang bersih. Hewan-hewannya kurang terawat

Anang Susilo (05/10/2016 14:39)
Bisa buat pacaran

Wana Grafika (04/10/2016 17:37)
Sholat idul fitri & idul adha di halaman Taman Jurug

(wana grafika)

Rifki Putra (16/09/2016 23:44)
Binatang Kurang lengkap

Wahyu Adi S (18/08/2016 15:28)
Kurang terawat
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