Komentar :
Roy I Evendy (28/05/2018 09:17)
Rest room cleanniness always an issue for gas station in Indonesia. But for this gas station is very clean as well as the masjid. Full with aircond as well. There is security that guide us on correct lane. Price standards with other gas station. Very nice staff. Warning shown in front of car for no smoking, engine and phone must be switched off, take picture during refuelling. Good safety pravtices. As there is restriction to take picture, I dont any any picture to share.
juan yoga (06/04/2018 11:32)
Motor.e haus
Ameyla Bella (01/04/2018 07:38)
Just like another fuel station.. Nothing different here
ibrahim dharnoe (01/02/2018 08:35)
Kalo isi bensin disini pasti rame, ada saja yang di lihat2. Rame anak muda nongkrong juga saat sore hingga malam. Terutama pada hari libur.
Bos muda (13/11/2017 14:20)
juniarto1992 (18/08/2017 11:53)
Good service
Ekat Bie Sentot Sentot (21/01/2017 05:13)
bos muda (13/11/2017 14:20)
Yudi Istianto (01/11/2017 12:52)
SPBU pertama yang ada di kecamatan kedungtuban yang letaknya dekat dengan kantor camat kedungtuban.
Bun Agung (24/08/2017 04:06)
jlan jdi bagus
Kurnia Fadli (03/08/2017 01:06)
Tersedia pengisian angin dan air gratis, Toilet bersih dan are aparkir yang cukup luas,
Samsul Maarif (05/07/2017 15:32)
Walaupun lokasi di tengah kampung atau pinggir hutan.. Tp pelayanan ok.
Muji Ono (28/05/2017 02:07)
Tempatnya nyaman
Pak De (21/05/2017 11:57)
Res area yang luas
Dicta Phue (03/01/2017 01:13)
Pelayanan bagus kepada konsumen.
Sri Indarto (10/07/2016 23:06)
Petugas SPBU cukup baik, tetapi mohon di tabahkan petugasnya supaya tidak terjadi antrian panjang..