Komentar :
RusmanaHadi Fajar (08/05/2018 14:43)
Good place to have a lunch and refreshing
Laura Tanujaya (26/04/2018 13:18)
Nice place with standard food grade and taste. large area suitable for group
Lukman Hakim (14/03/2018 23:22)
Romantic traditional place for dinner....
Reinhardt Schonnen (22/01/2018 05:20)
Wasn't the best, but the place is much better than any restaurant in blora city.
Iggor Kamarempat2 (28/11/2017 07:05)
Nice place for lunch
Kristyohadi Trissuwantoro (22/09/2017 17:40)
A comfy restaurant with a vernacular traditional Javanese huts... Nice and cozy place to have your diner, or lunch
sidiq kurniawan (03/08/2017 12:54)
Average service. Waited too long for meals. Good ambiance.
Rahmandito Kurnia (31/10/2017 06:36)
Nice appetizer, classical Interior and music, nice waiters.
yudhi thofani (11/09/2017 13:49)
Good taste and etnic place, recommended
Ruddy Siswanto (10/07/2017 04:45)
Best place in cepu
mohammad singgih (25/06/2017 12:42)
dony f (17/06/2017 11:25)
With BIG.FAM 1124
Yuanita Hesti (14/06/2017 13:57)
Cozy place
yuwono sasongko (11/06/2017 11:18)
So classic!
Okanami kun (29/04/2017 04:24)
Tasty Food and it is expensive
dessi Triyanto (16/02/2017 10:10)
Tempat makan balik nyaman dan teduh, serasa makan di rumah pembesar kerajaan jaman dulu
Taufik A. Yudanto (24/01/2017 14:43)
Tempat makan dan nongkrong yang asyik, khas kayu jati untuk meja dan kursi..
Raihan 77 (31/12/2016 09:55)
Klasik, nyaman, terjangkau
Pawittri Suswantioso (24/11/2016 23:41)
Alot of menu but lack of seasoning.
Arya Aji Pratignjo (08/02/2016 12:28)
Great Ambience, stunning view, delicious food...
Highly recommended restaurant in Cepu
Joehansyah Ramadhan (27/08/2016 18:40)
Classic enak murah
Retno Widayanti (29/05/2016 09:17)
Suasana nyaman,,makanan enak..ga salah dateng jauh2 dr jogja buat makan ditmpt ini...mantap
Dwi Hadi (27/04/2016 09:57)
Asyik buat nongkrong, kumpul keluarga atau buat meeting..dengan suasana bangunan asli Jawa. Minuman & makanan bervariasi