Komentar :
Hendry H. Widjaya (23/05/2018 11:38)
A big luxurious hotel in a quite distance place.
eko aguss (05/04/2018 14:15)
Nice hotel with delicious meal..elegant and beautiful rooms.
Irfan Bayu (25/02/2018 10:49)
The most comfortable and favorite hotel in cepu city
R Dhanur (07/02/2018 23:00)
Unexpected. It's an excellent hotel in urban cepu. Neat, large and tidy room. Nice swimming pool. Good food. Relaxing ambience.
Indra Maulana (03/02/2018 05:33)
Best hotel in Cepu at the moment. With a heritage look. Delicious food. Affordable rate. Big rooms.
mblendes123 (05/01/2018 07:29)
Nice place nice view and the best location to relax while in bussiness trip
Amega Yasutra (07/10/2017 11:25)
Its a new building but in old theme..
Ivan Awuy (06/10/2017 13:16)
Nice and clean hotel
Anggie T (17/09/2017 03:54)
Nice hotel...nice staff...tasty food....
Yudha Ary Fianto (30/08/2017 11:47)
Best hotel in town
Hartini Suci (29/08/2017 13:37)
Not Bad! Good!!
yogasiahaan (28/08/2017 15:04)
Best hotel in cepu...but spookie...hehhehe
Bayu Lesmana (21/07/2017 06:31)
Cozy hotel with classic style.
Qonita S. Najah (30/06/2017 06:14)
such a beautifull building
Herlinda Novitasari (25/04/2017 17:48)
Nice lah ...
Saat dinner dan salah pesanan yg datang langsng diganti yg bener dan dikasih cake buat permintaan maaf.
Nice 😚
Nocturno andera rudiansyah (11/03/2017 09:38)
nice place
S Adi Firmansyah (27/02/2017 15:40)
Pertama kali ke hotel ini cukup takjub. Tengah malem check in tetapi pelayanan masih tetap ramah. Masalah service 100 deh. Soal kualitas kamar hotel juga sangat memuaskan. Standar hotel bintang 5 pokoknya.
Dan yang bikin betah itu, lihat bangunan hotelnya yang mirip-mirip "Lawang Sewu" tetapi bukan. hehehe. Arsitekturnya itu gaya kolonial. Keren pokoknya.
Hudi Yanto (20/01/2017 13:42)
Nice Interior Hotel .
Pawittri Suswantioso (24/11/2016 23:39)
Traditional 4 stars hotel
ayu andhini (20/11/2016 06:39)
Work here at Ammi Cepu 😘
D'Naya Music (17/11/2016 00:42)
Nice hotel in cepu
Rahmad Mulyadi (21/09/2016 11:12)
Hotel nya mantap, pelayanan ramah, fasilitas ny oke, free drop & pick up transportation (pas ane nginep antar jemputny pake velfire) driverny friendly, bangunan hotel baru, arsitektur hotel bergaya kolonial, cocok buat spot photo,ruangan kamar bersih hommy, room serviceny responsive, laundry ny, on time, hotel managerny pak bowo ramah pake banget, ane kasi bintang 5, recomended buat tman2 yg lagi di Cepu untuk sertifikasi di pusdiklat migas cepu.
Lastoni Wibowo (24/08/2016 03:32)
Tempat publik
Doddy Pribadi (20/07/2015 16:05)
Awesome place
andri firmansyah (05/05/2015 11:53)
Yaaa secara garis besar bagus... konsep bangunan classic belanda dengan pemandangan sawah.. fasilitas yang bagus... lift nya cman satu.. jd kalau lg under maintenance gini harus naik turun tangga...
Kosim Abdul (25/01/2015 02:47)
telaga sarangan
Eddy Waluyan (02/12/2014 07:01)
very exellent
Andi Anggono (01/10/2014 12:38)
Will be best place and great experiences to stay #on my list