Komentar :
FRANCHISEFIRST (21/12/2017 07:40)
Tutup mitra di tipu franchisor
lenny mcready (28/06/2017 08:52)
A hidden gem! The taste and the portion of the food are good, not too pricy, and the toilet is pretty clean (seated toilet), although not accessible for wheelchair users.
Harta tersembunyi! Rasa dan porsi harga cukup bagus, tidak terlalu mahal, dan toiletnya cukup bersih (toilet duduk), walaupun susah diakses oleh pengguna kursi roda.
santoso sudibyo (22/06/2017 00:55)
Mie gorengnya jos gandos....
Indra Kurniawan Pelu (10/12/2016 05:45)
Keren konsepnya
Robert Mugabe (04/07/2016 13:21)
Good wifi
Polite waiter
Good food
Best ambience
Faishal Djalil (04/07/2016 13:21)
Good wifi
Polite waiter
Good food
Best ambience