Komentar :
Eri Cahyono (19/05/2018 06:16)
Located inside Solo Paragon Lifestyle Mall. Providing many kind of daily needs and some fashion stuffs. Like other Carrefour store in other place .
bondan wiratmoko b.s. (07/05/2018 12:29)
One of the complete mart inside soloparagon lifestyle mall. But overall nearly the same content with other hypermart around solo
christian L (02/05/2018 09:51)
They sell rotten plum for idr 4000 each
andre santoso (02/05/2018 09:19)
Seperti halnya toko lainnya, Carrefour disini besar dan lengkap. Menyediakan segala kebutuhan rumah tangga, fashion, kosmetik, elektronik, kue dan roti, sayuran dan buah segar, serta daging dan ikan. Pelayanan staff baik dan ramah. Kebersihan area toko baik.
Memek Soeroto (07/03/2018 08:05)
Vast Department Store modern and pleasant to have leiseruly stroll
benediktus galih pradipta (14/11/2017 07:29)
2 story supermarket. Located inside paragon mall. Pricing : middle up. Ambience : 8/10. Many choices of groceries.
Abdul Aziz Dzaki Azhari (19/10/2017 07:23)
Really good place. Nice and clean.
ira mayasari (26/08/2017 06:27)
This is whole sale ... everything you need is here in shaa allah
Lia Purnamasari (16/06/2017 07:17)
Besides the fact that it sells household equipment and daily supplies, it also has in-store restaurants with various menus and bakery with many cakes collections! The baguette is very recommended.
Gregorius Handaru (02/08/2017 03:01)
The place is good. The prices are marked-up?
Clara Azelia (10/05/2017 15:29)
Nice groceries store. Provide a lot of brand for your daily needs
Vicky Christiaan (03/05/2017 03:49)
hypermarket name carrefour, complete stuff nice staf good place to shopping daily needs
Ragil Bagus Agung Budiyono (29/04/2017 04:03)
Cozy place for hangout
Herry Santoso (20/04/2017 00:19)
In the centre of solo city inside solo paragon mall.
Nabila Aigaara (14/04/2017 08:39)
The price is cheaper compared to other supermarkets out there. The fruit n vegetables are fresh.
Happy Yudika (06/04/2017 17:25)
It's the most complete supermarket in Surakarta. Selling beers and local snacks.
mitha adeo (01/04/2017 23:13)
Easy to choose and buy some fruits and vegetables
Riyan (15/01/2017 09:58)
Semua barang kebutuhan sehari-hari tersedia komplit. Terdiri dari 2 lantai, lantai atas barang kebutuhan pokok sedangkan lantai bawah perkakas rumah tangga dan alat elektronik.
Arivin Justice (29/08/2016 08:14)
Berjebrow Bukan Jebraw (23/08/2016 05:27)
Lengkap banget disini. Cuma kemaren pas kesini jam 8 malam kasirnya yang buka dikit jadi antri agak banyak. Solusinya turun ke lantai bawah deket handuk kasirnya sepi hehe
habibie arifianto (17/05/2016 00:05)
Carrefour gives place for traditional food vendor to sell their foods
Rafi Aditya Candra (11/09/2014 00:56)
Cutut Id (24/08/2016 03:06)
Parkir mobil ribet
Supanggung Agung (14/07/2016 03:27)
Lumayan enak.. Akses kurang...
Emir Ahmad (20/06/2016 17:30)
Barang2 lengkap mulai dari kebutuhan sehari2, pakaian sampai elektronik namun harga lebih mahal dari tempat lain
Gabriel Imung (31/01/2016 14:57)
Tempat luas, nyaman dan lengkap. Cocok buat belanja bulanan.
Life Skull (03/09/2015 14:18)
Tempatnya besar dan nyaman untuk kesana tapi belum ada food court
Aditya Prasetyanto (20/06/2015 15:48)
Ini lg