Komentar :
Annas Sumeru (13/05/2018 22:01)
Travelling to Kudus from Purwokerto become easier with Nusantara except for the scheduled time and the limited number of the bus. So you better reserved from the previous days.
Septiawan Hary (04/05/2018 03:39)
Good price, good service for traveling
fendi muliana (02/05/2018 16:01)
Pelayanan udah oke tapi kondisi armada bus Nusantara udah tua, perlu diganti baru dan/ atau diremajakan untuk peningkatan pelayanan demi kepuasan pelanggan. Terutama untuk bersaing dengan bus-bus lain, macam PO Haryanto, Shantika, Agra Mas, dll.
Novem Brianto (25/04/2018 09:02)
The bus was good and comfort, price is competitive
Ardianto Satriawan (21/01/2018 11:09)
Nice and clean bus, good driver, affordable price, on time.
ECKO SKATA (12/01/2018 13:51)
Good but the armada needs a renovation and rejuvination...
Akang Tikno (11/01/2018 02:47)
Scania amboiey...
Budi Andriyono (02/01/2018 14:20)
polite and carefull drivers, old vehicles.
Dias Amirul Akbar (08/07/2017 15:14)
They have different price, between on bulletin board and the reality. I have to pay more. This is cheating. But, the service is not bad I think.
Mohammad Maleka (06/07/2017 23:35)
Good service
joe d'cliputcliput (05/07/2017 20:20)
Kecewa bgt setiap naik bus Hariyanto. Selalu saja di oper bus nya selalu rusak. Meskipun sudah bilang lagi perbaikan total yg harusnya berangkat jam 1 siang jadi berangkat jam 7 malam. Tetpa aja di kudus di oper. Udah gtu setiap di oper penumpangnya pada rebutan bukannya di atur seperti awal. Pokoknya kecewa bgt. Gak mau lagi naik bis ini.
Muhammad Faruq Hilmi (05/05/2017 15:26)
My best choice for travel Kudus - Jogja
Feri Hesti Rusandy (02/05/2017 23:55)
The pool of Nusantara bus, you can book the ticket at here
Siti Zahliyatul M. (01/05/2017 04:41)
Bandara di Kudus :D
Stefan Lasut (01/02/2017 08:17)
Always on time on service
Muhammad Ali Faiq (04/12/2016 14:56)
Easy reservation by call the admin
Saif (12/10/2016 14:37)
Got trip with its bus last year. They have lost my two bags at a time with no responsibility. What a great service!
HALUX 4InstanWall (11/09/2016 04:40)
Take off
Danang Sucahyo (18/12/2015 09:44)
SE (super executive) class is so co
One Hermanto (23/08/2016 14:19)
Tepat waktu
Galih Danang (17/06/2016 08:05)
Terminal super sibuk
Faisol Pito (06/05/2016 07:59)
Mantap bis patas nya
jimmy agustinus (09/03/2016 06:46)
sadewo fang (12/12/2015 23:57)
saya senang sekali klau ketemu nusantara saya pernah sih naik nusantara yang scania ns01 itu dari kudus mau kejakarta itu cepat amat ya.....