Komentar :
Ika wahyuningtyas, S. Pd Ayuelgashop (19/07/2020 14:27)
Nice place
DrewPleGaming (28/01/2020 15:02)
Meh typical grocery store
Amazing Trip - Panorama (14/01/2020 01:05)
Good minimarket in blitar city, you can snack, etc you need
Yulia Inghardi (27/11/2019 10:40)
A local supermarket with good pricing and almost about anything is available here 👍
Rosyadul Ibad (20/01/2019 03:57)
Nice Super Store in Blitar. Food. Drink. Snack. Playkid. Park good.
xiaomi fikri (04/12/2018 03:33)
In term of city of Blitar, this shopping place is huge. Daily need, baby need, etc available here. The price range nothing expensive but make sense in term of economic growth here in Blitar City. The only difficulty in shopping in here is the price tag is'nt available in each product, but forcing you to check it's price in computers in every row that available. Is this the new way in shopping? Maybe. Seems the people here are enjoying.
Izza Mashudatina (26/04/2019 19:45)
You can find everything here, you can buy some meal in front of this supermarket. And for your information this is 24 hours supermarket and you'll get free parking 😂
Feisa Rated R (19/04/2019 13:28)
Best modern retailer in Blitar with affordable price
Pandu Aji Wirawan (03/10/2018 02:55)
most popular supermarket in the town! Open 24 hour! I think its most complete gorcery store in Blitar. Free park for motorcycle is the best. Dont go there first week every month, long queue on the cashier.
Bintang Azhar Nafis Malang (30/09/2018 15:19)
Great place to shop, very bright, full ac and audio, many cashier, many self check price, good
Nurina Fhareza (23/06/2018 03:39)
I gave 5 stars since they sell yoghurt! It's really hard to find greek-ish yoghurt around Blitar, but they have plentt of it eventhough the variations are limited. They also provide computers for customer to check the price easily.
Jutex Outsiders (25/04/2018 06:33)
The cashier very slow n need more cashier i think
Senorita Aulia (20/04/2018 01:38)
I dont know whether it is their style or what, but I don't think they arrange the stuffs in a right place
Aprilia Nana (17/04/2018 12:06)
Good price, free parking
Erwindaprada Santos (09/04/2018 05:14)
Tegar Prahara (08/02/2018 05:39)
Fine place to get things you need
Achmad Setiawan (04/02/2018 12:30)
nice place to shopping. open 24h. free parking
Blitar 02 (23/11/2017 05:57)
Great supermarket...cheap price than other supermarket
anang budi (31/08/2017 03:10)
My fav place to monthly shop. Complete, wide area, and economic prices
Anunaki atlantis (14/09/2017 05:59)
Fake address
Richardus Widodo (16/08/2017 01:36)
Complete for small city
julius liumanta (08/08/2017 03:38)
now they open 24 hours ,😂
Qidzama Elakifa (27/07/2017 02:31)
Open 24 hours , nice shopping
Ratna nana (04/07/2017 14:57)
sebenarnya brg2nya lengkap..produk2 luar bnyk di sini..sygx ga ada label hrg jd hrs cek satu2 di komputer yg sdh tersedia.jd klo utk blnj cpt kurang cocok.trus stok barang berantakan,kayanya krn karyawanx cm sdikit jd kteteran ngerapiin brg.tp utk hrg susu&pempers brani bersaing
Shinta Devina (16/05/2017 01:51)
Jlek ah gk mau ksana,
cobli 007 (12/03/2017 07:47)
Belanja lengkap ,harga bersahabat, sayang terkadang sedikit berantakan
Popsicle Co. (25/10/2016 05:19)
Pilihan baranya banyak
Petrus Tomas Ruddy Pramono Anwar (25/07/2016 06:48)
Gak perlu takut kelebihan belanjaan berkat mesin barcode di sea mart pembeli dapat menyesuaikan barang yang akan dibeli sesuai dengan isi dompet...
Adi Gunawan (10/06/2016 21:05)
Lumayan murah