Komentar :
Princess Consuela Banana Hammock (30/11/2019 14:03)
Buka praktek jam 18.30 wib, tapi dokter datang sekitar jam 19.00 hanya ada satu petugas jaga yang merangkap suster membantu dokter saat memeriksa, mbaknya cukup komunikatif dan ramah.
Pemeriksaan anak berlangsung cepat lalu dokter menuliskan resep.
Ada satu hal yang sepertinya hanya bisa ditemui di Blitar, bukan hanya dokter Djoko, tapi juga dokter K. Mereka memeriksa sambil menonton tv. Tv berhadap-hadapan dengan meja dokter, volume ON, sehingga agak membingungkan juga untuk berkomunikasi dengan dokter saat volume tv menyala keras. Terkadang perhatian dokter juga kearah layar tv, tapi yah, mereka kan profesor, they know what they're doing right? 😉
Marisa Tanzil (30/11/2019 14:03)
Open practice at 18:30 WIB, but the doctor came around at 19.00 there was only one guard officer who concurrently the nurse helped the doctor when checking in, her sister was quite communicative and friendly.
Child rapid examination and the doctor write a prescription.
There is one thing that seems to only be found in Blitar, not only Dr. Djoko, but also Doctor K. They check while watching TV. The TV is facing the doctor's desk, the volume is ON, so it is also somewhat confusing to communicate with the doctor when the TV volume is turned on loudly. Sometimes the doctor's attention is also towards the TV screen, but yeah, they're professors, they know what they're doing right? ????
Dek Abi (29/03/2019 00:31)
Dr.anak blitar