Komentar :
Renda Santana (10/04/2018 12:53)
Not Bad
Erwinda Prada (01/04/2018 16:17)
Erwindaprada Santos (19/03/2018 10:10)
fiant komo (13/03/2018 17:55)
Good coffee and nice place with a great serv
Nurhadi Wiyanto (01/03/2018 17:51)
Disini tersedia berbagai macam jenis kopi murni, bagi anda pecinta kopi anda dapat mencoba beberapa menu kopi yng tersedia disini,disini tempatnya juga lumayan nyaman untuk nongkrong, bersantai, ataupun mau ngobrol-ngobrol bersama teman maupun pacar.
Arie Triadji (15/02/2017 15:54)
Good coffee ☕
fariz yudha (16/11/2017 13:31)
Nobita SR (10/11/2017 01:39)
Good place for coffee time with friends, family, and your soulmate