Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Candi Penataran

Blitar, Kabupaten, Jawa Timur
Klasifikasi: Kuil Hindu
Alamat: Penataran, Nglegok, Blitar, East Java 66181, Indonesia
Rating: 4.40
Jam Operasional:
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Komentar :

Lalu Abdul Fatah (27/05/2018 09:23)
It is the biggest temple in East Java. It is used for Hindus devotees to pray. Actually there is no ticket for the visitors. You just need to pay cleaning service fee as you wish. No fixed fee. When I and my students went there, there was no guide available. The security guard just recommended us to read the information board and went around by ourselves. Yeah, it was okay but it would be more interesting if there was a guide that be able to tell you many hidden stories about this Hindu temple.

If you want to have some meals or buy souvenirs here, don't worry. In the outside of the temple, you may find them easily.

Let's visit Candi Penataran!

Aan Eko Saputro (07/04/2018 01:52)
Finally got here at the most famous temple at Blitar. At first i was surprised because the size of the temple, but after i read the history of the temple, everything becomes clear. During my first visit to the temple, it was a cultural event being held here at the temple. The event was called Seruling Penataran, which is contains many performer such as dancer, singer, and much more. I'm amazed that such a small city like Blitar can host a cultural event with performer from overseas. It was a multicultural event really.

Mas Jusuf (30/03/2018 15:21)
Larger temple in east java. Its kingdom temple of three kingsom, are Kadiri, Singhasari and Majapahit. Its building at 1119 Saka - 1250 saka. Complex temple where stands various form of temples.

Rizky Amaliana (03/03/2018 22:05)
The local temple. It's famous and has much histories since Majapahit Kingdom exist

Peter Af (20/02/2018 07:36)
The largest Hindu temple in East Java, built in the time of the Kingdom of Kadiri until Majapahit Kingdom
clean and comfortable environment, with a nice flower garden. There is place for culinary and souvenirs outside the temple area. People are friendly and very welcome here.
a must visit historic place in Blitar city
Recommended !

kabir k (18/02/2018 18:15)
Nice. Harre krishna Harre Rama. read mahabhagwat Gita and veda. and translate it in all languages of world. Join ISKCON. promote yoga

Fatma Aldila (06/10/2017 04:00)
must-visit temple in Blitar. just don't forget your hats and sunnies. it can be very hot in a mid day since there isnt roofed gazebo provided for tourists

Zulfikar Ali Akbar (01/09/2017 16:10)
This place is very wonderful, because there are so many historical story in every relief. Ya you should be there!

ika rismawati (13/07/2017 11:57)
Beautiful temple. One of iconic places in Blitar. If you visit Blitar, dont forget to visit this temple as well...

Nugroho Aditya (28/06/2017 05:37)
Nice scenery but car's parking lot is too small.

Yamin Nathaniel (27/06/2017 10:48)
Good place for educational, bring umbrella its in open place

Martani Pangan Sehat (16/06/2017 00:32)
Beautiful temple. Nice to enjoy the view from the top. Hope it's lasting forever. And we able to maintain the beauty of it.

Robby Wiyono (07/06/2017 10:45)
A very simple place... with a very nice scenery

Rio Meildha (17/05/2017 09:24)
Historical object from majapahit and kediri kingdom in java. This place is great. I love history.

Emmanuel Febry (06/03/2017 13:04)
The story of a great kingdom

IR. V.F. HENDRY GONTORO (28/02/2017 23:38)
Good place for history recreation

Muhammad Kholil (19/02/2017 13:53)
Good panorama temple

Rendra Hertiadhi (29/12/2016 15:19)
A well maintained cultural heritage representing three eras of kingdoms in Java

bagus bani (28/12/2016 21:38)
Great sites. Clean and educated.

Herman Buyle (20/10/2016 04:22)
Best in the morning or afternoon .
We came in the middle of the day hot ..
Nice park ..easy to do

Blitar Channel (27/08/2016 07:12)
My ultimate local temple and proud as Blitarian!!

Pandu Aji Wirawan (08/10/2016 01:55)
Clean and greats place. about 12km from Soekarno Tombs

Landung Kautsar (23/08/2016 14:41)
Bersih dan Ramah

Ninik Putri Handayani (04/08/2016 10:36)
Situs bersejarah

Nunung Afu'ah (14/07/2016 16:58)
reminder of childhood memory. An epic of Blitar tourism place!

Pras Etyo (25/06/2016 04:47)
Tempat yg sangat bagus

Imam Ma'ruf Fuady (01/03/2016 10:41)
Penataran or Panataran is the largest Hindu temple complex in East Java, Indonesia, located roughly 10 km north of Blitar. Epic Temple!

Hernan Halim (02/09/2015 11:51)
Probably the biggest temple in East Java. Beautiful temple

Abdul Aziz Ariarasa (26/08/2015 22:36)
Very nice place to looking for sunset, but this place is closed at 5pm West Indonesian Time

Adi Prasetyo (07/03/2014 11:48)
Pernah ke sini
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