Komentar :
Jin Kaza (29/04/2018 01:57)
jojo yudi (07/04/2018 11:27)
My fav
Badiatul Mardliyah (04/04/2018 12:04)
Just like ordinary alfamart. Ada ATM BCA, ada tmpat duduk d terasnya.
Nunung Afu'ah (12/12/2017 08:44)
Like another Alfamart, they have debit and tunai facilities. Even the place quite small, they provide daily needs. The place also located in the strategic place that people want to stop over. The issue is that when there are many parked car, the motorcycle has no space since it is small parking area.
yoedh 69 (10/08/2017 11:29)
Hindrawan Putro (25/01/2017 13:50)
Beautiful place
tonilung design (29/11/2016 10:03)
An Dre (26/10/2017 05:09)
Parkir luas
Ferry Frandika (31/08/2017 12:03)
Atm gampang rusak .. tarik tunai gak bisa
yudha aris setyawan (10/08/2017 11:29)
erwin haribuwono (21/07/2017 13:17)
Brg lengkap
Hanif Naufal (01/07/2017 05:53)
Minimarket dengan harga murah dan barangnya lengkap
Suyono Agust (11/04/2017 14:13)
Luar biasa
Hindrawan Sukoco Putro (25/01/2017 13:50)
Beautiful place
ganes ramadhan (12/01/2017 06:36)
Pelayanan yang dbaik dan sangat ramah kepada konsumen sehingga merasa nyaman saat berbelanja
lare mblitar (08/01/2017 23:39)
abdul aziz (11/06/2016 02:34)
Pelayanan ok
Edy Susilo (21/09/2015 04:48)
Karena belanja banyak harganya terjangkau pas buat dompet pas pas an