Komentar :
Dewi Anggraini (07/02/2020 14:06)
Nice place
Allga Adhiswara (18/01/2020 15:38)
Dedi Sunaryono (05/01/2020 05:03)
Comfy place to karaoke. But their playlist didnt up to date. Still good place
Yulia Allfrodius (25/07/2019 04:57)
clean, comfortable and get good service
Oktibri Pribadi (04/12/2018 13:27)
Good alternative for family karaoke. The sou nd is incredible. Just make sure you don't take out some stuff in the basket if you don't want to. Otherwise it will be billed once the basket is taken and be prepared for extra cost
Siapa Kita (21/08/2019 10:14)
Bonifasius Widyo Baskoro (23/06/2019 04:18)
Lmyn bagus. Tp ruangan kurang kedap, sehingga suara dari ruang sebelah masih tembus.
Norbert Berau (04/04/2019 13:27)
Marisa Prasetiyo (21/12/2018 09:20)
Pur Wanto (29/06/2018 16:05)
Sing song
Sepmita Bepis (24/05/2018 13:51)
Ternyata di Berau ada tempat karoke yg bagus sekali
Aminah Ami (01/03/2018 07:10)
Lumayanlah... Cukup bagus.. 😊ðŸ˜
Eko Subroto (01/03/2018 05:40)
Jgn di samakan dgn nav, happy puppy, atau k&k, kelas di Berau lumayan