Komentar :
Sakli Abdi (22/05/2018 05:01)
Cepat banget tanpa antri... Paling enak menu daging cincang
arnanto nugroho (28/02/2018 00:50)
Mantap rasanya
Sasmudi blora (21/02/2018 12:34)
Ok lah
Zulham Efendi (11/01/2018 08:38)
Rindu Minang
AGUNG MUKTI WIBOWO (05/08/2017 16:16)
Masakan padang ter enak di berau... rata2 seporsi 30.000 an
Royandi Tanujaya (31/12/2016 09:45)
The food is good, one of the best Masakan Padang in town.. the place is quite small, its perfect if you are looking for stop-and-go dining. Surely the food deliciousness is what they sell here. So if you want to hang out with friends, do that in Tepian Sungai, just a walk a way in front of this place. And if you hungry, this is the place.