Komentar :
harri ferdiansyah (18/02/2018 06:08)
Antonio Nocerinho (05/01/2018 00:56)
Adriansyah Putera (18/12/2017 09:51)
Very impressive customer service. I was very satisfied with the service and help that I received from the friendly staffs especially from Mr. Franki Dinata when I had my car checked on December 16 2017 (my second visit). It was good that this place provided a comfortable waiting room with free WiFi and coffee/tea. Keep up the great work, I will keep returning. Thank you.
Enma Riokushi (22/08/2017 02:00)
Joulee Ady (12/08/2017 02:24)
M.ali Alfaim (06/11/2017 12:20)
Pelanyanannya bagus
Eko Pramono (31/10/2017 05:14)
Mudah d cari
MEYLEE MUCHTAR, SE (24/07/2017 02:07)
Dealer mobil Ayla daihatsu
Ida Parida (09/07/2017 14:44)
Semoga makin jaya
sinar bakti (21/06/2017 12:02)
Service memuaskan yg ditangani oleh montir2 handal & berkualitas
aidi mustafa (09/06/2017 09:35)
Pelayanannya memuaskan..
Arnold Cybrix (21/02/2017 04:44)
Lumayan Bagus
Undang Sumbaga (04/02/2017 08:27)
Pelayanan cepat
kukuh wibowo (06/12/2016 07:15)
Pelayanan yang ramah dan informasi yang jelas dari petugas
Jaya Sampurna (29/11/2016 13:12)
Wejaya Putra (02/10/2016 14:02)
Bagus.. 😊
adi apriadi (20/09/2016 01:24)
Info pembelian Daihatsu Bengkulu terlengkap