Komentar :
Wisnu Darmawan (30/04/2018 05:43)
One of the biggest mosque in Bengkulu
Dimas Witjaksana (16/12/2017 16:46)
One of most best mosque
raditya aryadi (22/11/2017 02:34)
Beautiful mosque
Bobi Saputra (14/07/2017 14:56)
A very comfortable mosque. Love it.
Adriansyah Putera (25/04/2017 08:12)
I love the architecture. Large parking space.
Alddino Gusta Rachmadi (10/12/2015 01:09)
One of the biggest mosque in Bengkulu. But the wudhu and toilet area are very poorly maintenanced. You cannot lock the toilet. And the wudhu area is a little bit disgusting.
Anton Sutrisno (28/01/2017 08:34)
Nyaman jumatan di Masjin Akbar At Takwa. Ingat jaman sma dulu sering ke sini.
Hendri Guntur (12/11/2016 23:55)
Wejaya Putra (18/10/2016 03:44)
So Beautiful.. 😊
Fazlur Rahman (17/08/2016 06:02)
The Great Masjid
Imam Bukhori (16/04/2016 02:50)
Mantap, sering digunakan untuk dauroh para masyaikh ahlussunnah.
semoga dakwah salafi di kota bengkulu dapat meluas ke daerah lainya & di terima oleh masyarakat. Aamiin
Johana Saputri (07/11/2015 07:29)
sangat suka