Komentar :
Fatimahzahra Myinspiration (28/04/2018 02:46)
I love this mosque so much, I can feel fresh air inside the mosque, also the peace in my heart. This great mosque is gorgeous. I love it to the moon and back 💚
iwan nepal (07/02/2018 06:25)
feel nearest with Allah
Aditya Latif Prahesta (26/12/2017 07:07)
The largest mosque in the town
Rendra Regen Rais (29/11/2017 08:48)
The capital mosque and Islamic Center in the Province of Bengkulu. Lot parking is available. There is nursery in the mosque complex.
eko nugraha (21/11/2017 10:06)
Public moeslem mosque..
Lois Gencayo (27/09/2017 12:19)
One of big mosque in Bengkulu city.
Resky Parowedya (02/11/2017 08:22)
Very comfortable place
wendi kasarles (08/06/2017 09:00)
Julianto Jules (08/06/2017 08:04)
Like it
Wahyu Budi Setyawan (16/10/2016 09:10)
Mesjid yg indah dan megah yg selalu ramai di waktu shalat. Bila hr Jum'at, ketika shalat subuh, imam membawakan surat As-sajadah. Ini yg menimbulkan kerinduan untuk kembalu berkunjung k bengkulu.
Wejaya Putra (15/10/2016 00:43)
So Amazing.. 😊
Adriansyah Putera (06/10/2016 10:42)
The nicest mosque in town. It has a large parking space and a Islamic center.
Fajar Muttaqien (04/09/2016 09:57)
Gaya bangunan mesjid ini serupa dengan mesjid-mesjid yang ada di Aceh yang terbuka, dengan ciri khas tanpa pintu maupun jendela..
Alddino Gusta Rachmadi (10/12/2015 01:00)
One of the biggest mosque in Bengkulu city. Quite clean wudhu area and toilet. There are open session learning about Islam everyday from ba'da Subuh (around 5 AM), ba'da Maghrib (around 6.15 PM) up until Isya (around 7.15 PM).
Fazlur Rahman (17/08/2016 06:02)
Masjid Agung Provinsi Bengkulu
ali DhoanK (08/08/2016 11:36)
masjid bersejarah..
Hendra Oncomiaku (05/09/2015 02:34)
Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2015
Pukul 10.00 WIB s.d Selesai
Bertempat di Gedung Islamic Center
Masjid Raya Baitul Izzah Padang Harapan
Kota Bengkulu