Komentar :
Alias Salan (15/12/2017 11:03)
Bank Islam is the first Shariah based banking institution in Malaysia and South East Asia; and has been playing the leading role in the development of the nation’s Islamic banking industry. In fact, it has provided technical assistance in the setting up of several Islamic institutions in the Asian region such as Indonesia, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Incorporated in 1983, it was originally established with the sole purpose of assisting with the financial needs of the Muslim population of Malaysia. Since then, Bank Islam has extended its services to the wider, non-Muslim, population fulfilling its “Banking-for-All” principle.
Sha DoraAura (26/05/2017 13:25)
Why? Servise cdk kdk taie.. I was standing there. I ask 3times. "excuses me?" alu xknk lyn.. Choi argh..
Xavier Lee (12/03/2017 05:36)
Lenx Stiv (25/11/2015 10:14)
Edit, this is the right place now.
Rambli Ahmad (05/06/2014 03:06)
Wrong Location dont go here
power ranjer (26/09/2017 00:33)
Servis teruk.