Komentar :
Tri Wijaya (06/04/2018 07:39)
Stayed in single bed for transit. Very reasonable price. The room is a bit small, but that's what you get for the price. The private bathroom is also a little small, but still ok for the price.
Roy Rorot Edward Saragih (13/03/2018 04:30)
Cheap hotel... Only a few steps from mahkota hospital. The room is not very big. They dont serve breakfast. A lot of Indonesians stay here.
Meor Zainun (09/02/2018 07:48)
Nice budget hotel. Within walking distance from tourist spots
M. Afdal (29/01/2018 21:39)
very nice budget hotel for short trip in melaka. It is very near to mall Menara Taming Jaya and other touist spot
carena chairil (11/01/2018 02:03)
The receptionist is nice n friendly
But the room is so small n not comfortable
Same with the bathroom .the waterhitter is not working.Not recommended to sleep here.
mark chern (20/11/2017 07:43)
... nice place to walk around ...
Khairi Ahmad Suhaimi (04/11/2017 17:14)
Poor hygine and bad
Ray Foundation (01/09/2017 18:23)
Very nice
Lie Sugianto (18/07/2017 02:19)
This hotel is less higienis so much cockroach
Theo TSS (23/05/2017 13:08)
Hotelnya terlihat semrawut. Dilorong kamar bau. Didalam kamar bau dinding basah. Suasana tdk nyaman. Lumayan murah, dan ada lift. Dekat MMC
TV nya kuno, wifi di kamar tertentu sinyalnya jelek
Sherly Meilianti (21/04/2017 04:06)
Saya kecewa dengan wifi dan pelayanannya.ketika saya komplain mengenai wifi.. petugas tidak ramah dan sama sekali tidak membantu.. ini pelayanan hotel rerburuk yg pernah saya dapat.. belum lagi malam2 kamarnya bising sekali dan sangat menggangu. Saya tidak merekomendasikan hotel ini.
Ahmad Subki (10/01/2017 10:52)
i'v surveyed all hotels in this area, i think Trend Hotel have the most appropriate facilities for budget hotel. Lift (no stairs) Free Wifi. Window view (selected room) and 1-2 minute walking distance to MMC hospital
Hendy Sugiarto (05/12/2016 04:11)
Good budget hotel very close to mahkota medical centre
Desi Wu (08/09/2016 13:38)
Bolehlah harga segitu. Ada free wifi. Koneksi bagus.
Game Master (30/04/2016 08:42)
Teruk gila hotel ni . Bau dekat lift busuk dan internet tak ada .Bilik juga berbau sangat busuk dan untuk harga rm87 agak tidak berbaloi
Banun Gulong (08/06/2015 00:48)
Teruk...jika hujan lebat sure bilik bocor...aircond pun bocor.......pendek kata bocor di mana mana.keselesaan memang jauh sekali.
M.fauzan Mashudi (20/07/2015 13:45)
Best, Boleh Tahan La