Komentar :
Eric Curry (11/04/2018 01:45)
Beautiful place to visit
Mulyanto Dragon (13/03/2018 03:08)
Nyak Sang Lim (25/02/2018 11:56)
fazly harun (05/01/2018 06:41)
Good for fishing sport but lack of access
Chan Chen Sin (06/09/2017 12:37)
Good fishing spot!
Muhd Tariq (28/08/2017 06:52)
Takdak orang mengail, tak banyak kereta lalu & bunyi bising diserap oleh lapisan-lapisan pokok. Kenyamanan di tahap terbaik. Burung helang kat sini tak reti tangkap ikan.
No people fishing, not so many passing cars & the noise is also deadened by the layers of trees. Serenity at it's best. Eagle here can't catch fish.
rahazli muhammad (12/07/2017 13:31)
Tempat menghilangkan stres tension