Komentar :
Masril Rustam (13/04/2018 08:18)
Bangunan bersejarah yang ada di kota sejarah, bangunan tua yang cukup dirawat dengan baik, dan banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan2 dari mancanegara, isinya juga benda2 bersejarah yang juga dirawat dengan baik.
Legend SCSA (12/03/2018 15:12)
The establishment of the Melaka Islamic Museum aims to make it a center for collecting, researching, conserving and exhibition of Islamic-oriented materials in line with the role of Melaka as the Center for the spread of Islam in the archipelago and the development of Islam in Malaysia today. The Melaka Islamic Museum is housed in the old building of the Melaka Islamic Council (MAIM) Office, Jalan Kota, Melaka. The interior design of this museum is based on a glimpse of the beauty of Islam in Melaka and Nusantara by illustrating the combination of Islamic artistic identity globally and Islamic art in Nusantara especially Melaka. The exhibition and information delivery methods are processed through eight main exhibition halls that are clearly in line with certain themes. This is to make it easier for visitors to understand the message, historical journey and experience they want to deliver. Among the exhibits on display are the earliest replica of the Quran, the history of the mosque, the replica of Rasulullah S.A.W sword. Entrance fee for adult is RM3 while children and students with ages from 7 to 12 is only about RM2. Operation hours is from 9 am to 5.30 pm but closed on Monday.
ehwal e (04/03/2018 06:40)
Educative untuk anak-anak tahu sedikit sebanyak asal kemasukan Islam ke tanah melayu. Islam dioerkenalkan oleh ulamak dan pedagang dari tanah arab. Undang-undang islam juga telah dilaksanakan di tanah melayu, sebelum dicemari oleh undang-undang sekular sepertimana sekarang.
Lee Chee You (04/12/2017 09:49)
A good place to learn history of islamic in Malaysia
zulkarnaen een (08/09/2017 07:16)
Di melaka ini serba merah yaa..museumnya juga merah