Komentar :
Nor Akmar Abdullah (19/01/2018 04:47)
mrjack mdnajib (28/12/2017 17:31)
For Muslim pray and history.
Mohd Salleh (27/12/2017 15:42)
Selesa untuk Solat
Zamhari Mokhtar (01/10/2017 14:27)
Masjid ni memang cantik,antara masjid yg tertua,
Mempunyai nilai dan kesan sejarah.seni reka yg halus & ciri unik,susun atur juga cantik.
J Goh (08/03/2017 13:57)
a mosque with chinese influence. In its compound lies the grave of the sultan that gave Sir Stamford Raffles Singapore.