Komentar :
Mohamad Fauzeri Abdullah (14/09/2017 23:29)
Ade lebih kurang 10 biji kedai sekitar tepi jalan sini..boleh la beli belacan dan cencaluk untuk orang kat kampung..Pakej belacan bermula dari RM1 RM3 dan RM5..
mohd adam abdul malek (23/03/2017 06:29)
This store is a Malaysian Traditional Food Outlets which is you can purchasing some goods as surviner or maybe you can use it in your daily life. Thus, the price is affordable & sometime you can get some item with a cheap price. This outlet also have delivery service which is your can send your item via post to your home after purchase and you also can make online order via Facebook through Kedai Belacan Cincaluk Seri Murni fan page