Komentar :
Sheikh Mustaffa (07/02/2018 01:19)
Thank you very much for your great service. There aren't many companies around these days that distinguish themselves with excellent customer service like yours so I commend you for it. Banyak pilihan dan penerangan produk yg jujur.
Faugee Ishak (19/04/2017 11:27)
Aisyah Aziz (19/04/2017 05:28)
As far as i know, the owner and the staffs treat any animals like their own family members. Gentle and always playing with them, yet still being cautious. Maybe there's any misunderstanding?
naim rozar (18/04/2017 12:40)
Please get other shop..and Be careful with the workers and owner. Very bad hotel service
Nabilah Zainal (02/10/2016 04:15)
Easy to find..
Zafi Sizer (19/04/2017 01:58)
Owner dan staff peramah, kaki fitnah jgn layan bos...x semua mudah nak puas kan hati semua org..keep it up
Normah Abdullah (31/01/2017 23:18)
Cuti thaipusam kedai buka ke