Komentar :
Widi Seftiawan Efendi (08/06/2018 11:06)
Enak banget nonton filmnya berasa kaya di bioskop gitu filmnya juga ada gambarnya.
Arie Kurniawan (23/05/2018 15:15)
Has a lot of cinema studio and lot of movie choices...
Sandhi oke (06/05/2018 08:42)
Good places for watching movie in bekasi
Adhy Prasetyo (28/04/2018 18:43)
Cozy with XXI Garden.
Agustina Sari (02/04/2018 04:23)
elmi suyatni (29/03/2018 19:20)
Really clean place and cold, it's really nice
Fery Maruto (20/03/2018 22:52)
Used to be great if children banned for watching on this cinema
Ichwan Mas Motor (20/03/2018 11:02)
Nice xxi place
Tanto Mgm (18/02/2018 14:08)
The best place
Wahyu All Legacy (03/10/2017 13:47)
Boleh Tau Gk Tutup Nya Jam Berpa??
Riza Renaldi (15/09/2017 11:59)
Tempat nyaman.. pelayanan mudah.. dan bersih
Windi Granger (15/08/2017 02:25)
Budiman Kartawidjaja (28/06/2017 07:43)
Well...not bad, please tune the sound system to get better 3D.
Nur Laela (09/06/2017 17:31)
anggraeni kusuma (16/04/2017 08:27)
Meetup bareng sahabat sambil nonton. Hm