Komentar :
Kris Wati (17/03/2018 08:58)
Terimakasih kpd yayasan OBI berkat OBI sekarang anak sy sdh nurmal kembali.
Pd thn 2011 lalu angga saputra di oprasi dr yayasan OBI lipo cikarang..
AymarJr eSports (28/09/2017 11:40)
Saya senang menolong orang lain...
Andry M Sihombing (28/09/2017 11:38)
It is really nice to be part of Obor Berkat Indonesia. Saya Senang Menolong Orang Lain.
Ali - Anugrah Motor BMW (24/08/2017 04:17)
Being their partner for a couple years and all the good thing that they do bring a lot of cheers from some one else, even I just can participating in a little parts and this is become the way that I realized what the meaning of my life for, Good luck and God Bless Obor Berkat Indonesia
YT AJ Gaming (28/09/2017 11:40)
Saya senang menolong orang lain...