Komentar :
trisakti sejahtera (20/10/2019 11:40)
Good service and very helpful... 👍🏻👍🏻
Yustina Setyawan (22/09/2019 13:20)
Fast response, good service, competitive price.. Recommended 👍
Satyawan Kusnadi (30/03/2019 11:29)
Fast response & very helpful with reasonable price. Very recommended in Lippo Cikarang Area. Thanks
hansen miltans (10/03/2019 08:07)
Always discount at best price and service
Agus Zen Mutaqin (05/01/2019 10:18)
one of best car battery shops around Lippo Cikarang
MENDOAN Skill (04/04/2018 04:56)
Regina Unandar (04/12/2017 13:57)
kindly seller, fast response, competitive price
asmarianto asmarianto (25/11/2017 14:47)
Tks pak..
Gladys Elvira (19/06/2017 14:22)
Very helpful yet competitive price with excellent service. Very recommended and will not have second thought to trust the seller 👍
Timotheos Teggy Hutagalung (18/04/2017 00:46)
Fast response. Thank you.
Andrew Tangguh (12/04/2017 01:59)
Excellent, competitive price with best service.
69 DD (26/10/2017 11:05)
recommended seller!
Hemmy Prasetya, Apt (11/08/2017 10:55)
Thanks Bro...joss
Max Wener (21/07/2017 15:43)
Good servis
Lensy Suteja (26/03/2017 08:32)
Toko aki Cosmo Battery bener2 nolong gue banget, waktu si mpreed akinya ngadat, temen gue lsg call si koko yg punya Cosmo Battery, ga berapa menit si koko lsg datang ke TKP and si mpreed lsg dibedah, diganti sama aki baru yg harganya ok banget dan kualitasnya bagus. Pas distarter...cuzz...lsg si mpreed hidup lagi...senangnya...thanks ya Cosmo Battery...highly recomended nih guys n gals 😊
Harry Chandra (06/02/2017 07:59)
Recommended. Toko langganan g buat supply ke pabrik. Bisa diburu-buru, diskon dikasih abis-abisan (demi pelanggan ga kabur). Sip lah pake telor! =D
yohan gautama (23/01/2017 16:17)
Toko aki top markotop... harga bersaing pelayanan memuaskan... thx cosmo sudah membantu saya di masa sulit... aki nya tahan lama juga loh sudah 3 thn lbh nih blm ganti2 lg... toppp dahhh
duma sinaga (06/01/2017 02:25)
Di saat yang tidak terduga, aki mobil mati. Googling untuk cari pertolongan, AKI COSMO yang terdekat dengan lokasi TKP. Langsung mencoba telp. ke nomer contact & langsung ditelp. balik. Cepat banget walaupun dah malem. Sesampainya di toko, langsung dilayani, mobil dicek, konsul dan direko bbrp merek aki dengan plus minus nya dengan ramah bgt. Pelayanan seperti yang dikerjakan oleh AKI COSMO inilah yang dibutuhkan para pelanggan. tq Cosmo Battery. Keep ur good work.
Thio Gunadi (24/12/2016 12:53)
The store is complete and the service is excellent
Ilyas Rizky (08/07/2016 01:23)
정유진 (31/08/2016 04:39)
이런곳이 있는줄 몰랐네요
집근처에 있고 가격도 다른곳보다 저렴하고 친절해서 좋았습니다
Meiddy Agustin (09/08/2016 14:05)
Ganti aki jadi gampang, tinggal telpon langsung ganti di rumah. Harganya oke ada garansinya lagi. Thumbs up!!! Aki moge diskonnya lebihan dong....
Enrico Liando (09/08/2016 10:35)
Fast response, harga top banget.