Komentar :
Ucokn Doank (09/05/2018 23:52)
grand luky scbd
Antonio Riyanto (10/04/2018 01:41)
rinaldi eka putra (30/03/2018 03:17)
Good palace for serving your HONDA
Lora Ana (02/03/2018 13:22)
Good serves
Adi Purbo (08/12/2017 16:56)
Showroom & Service Centre for Honda vehicles. It has mini playgorund for your kids & the waiting room is cozy. While waiting your car being serviced, you can enjoy snacks & drinks provided.
Didi mulyadi (12/10/2017 02:49)
The service was not really appropriate with the Honda brand. It must have been much better
T.I. Herdhany (20/09/2017 05:11)
Nice showroom & workshop, clean, helpful officers, qualified mechanics
Eelsidat Berkah (15/03/2017 15:06)
Beli Mobil Honda Terbaru dengan Promo dan Bonus Spesial hubungi Dion Honda Bekasi ,
pelayanan dan service memuaskan customer Honda.. sukses selalu