Komentar :
Seno Pamardiyanto (05/05/2018 07:10)
Located at ground floor of Grand Metropolitan Mall, all items are discounts approximately 50%. Most of them are a bit late in fashion, but still good product, not rejected product
Indrawan Saputra (08/02/2018 04:36)
Gerai Retail Pakaian Mark & Spencer hadir di Grand Mall Bekasi.
Lokasi di lantai dasar berhadapan dengan esklator naik ke lantai 2
daniel manurung (14/01/2018 11:51)
Agak susah ternyata cari trouser black yang diskon, banyakan navy. Disini outletnya diskon besar besaran banget, tapi ya gitu udah out of date, saran gw sih beli kemeja tangan panjang polos aja sama trouser 400an yg bahan lentur viscose
Septa Inigopatria (02/12/2017 11:30)
Plenty of discounts since it's an M&S Factory Outlet. Great place to find tops, denims, and jackets for us sizes M and up. It doesn't have all the latest releases but its a big shop and it certainly was not short for options. I found what I was looking for so I'm happy.