Komentar :
Jubay Di (28/10/2020 18:41)
I offer ac service
Buying and selling new and used ac
Disassemble the ac
Fill the ac freon
Washing machine
And many others
NoErDiEn 123 (11/05/2020 05:15)
Supri Yanto (07/04/2020 07:56)
Di depanya ada abang tukang Bakso
Denny Wahyudi (10/02/2020 04:41)
METTA INDRA JAYA (05/12/2019 06:55)
parkiran nya lumayan luas
farah tyas (04/10/2019 23:41)
Kos khusus wanita atau campur ya ? Ada nomor kontak yg bisa dihubungi ?
Andi Sembiring (12/09/2019 11:14)
Ada np tlponya yg punya kostnya kah?
Indera Gunawan (19/07/2019 04:56)
Large building. Lots of rooms. The environment looks quite clean and safe. To get here, you can enter through the road next to the Mc Donald restaurant. The access road is not too wide, but still enough for four-wheeled vehicles. Ample parking is also available.
Rosita Sari (18/07/2019 11:40)
Tempatnya sih enak .cocok buat yg ga suka sma keramaian ..
setyo prabowo (18/03/2019 04:50)
Kost di belakang MC Donald Grand Wisata, mudah dijangkau
Emi Mutiyasari (11/12/2018 13:05)
Penunggu kos nya baik.. Siap membantu kalau butuh pertolongan.. Tapi kos nya agak panas kalo gak nyalain kipas angin.. Hehe
Nun Waw (04/04/2018 09:21)
Bebas apa ngga??
Yusuf tojiri (04/01/2018 15:45)
Ayo ngekos di sini enak nyaman dan gratis air minum
Rudi Andika (04/01/2018 00:12)
Bagus dan nyaman