Komentar :
in'amullah azzam (20/04/2018 03:42)
Nice place for events
Harits Taufiq (18/04/2018 03:14)
Tempatnya cukup luas, dan harga penyewaan tdk terlalu mahal
Susilowati Tannadi (18/03/2018 05:47)
Attended friend's wedding. It's a big venue and very local
Mira Dian Naufalina (21/02/2018 22:13)
The water.. Astaghfirullah. But it's strategic place for holding an occasion that invite people from other city
Diyanto Alie (10/12/2017 03:29)
Nice place to have family meeting. There are a convention Hall with more room. Suitable to have wedding event
iman prastyo (13/06/2017 09:05)
now is better than couple of years ago, bit creepy but still good enough for such facility
Senda Irawan Pratono (16/05/2017 03:52)
Nice place for manasik hajj. They have room and hall for conference, wedding, symposia, workshop and seminar.
tatra laksita (16/09/2017 18:36)
Wedding time....
Satya Rahadhian (13/08/2017 23:42)
Starting place to go to Baitullah
Dimas Alghifari (09/05/2017 09:01)
Bisa utk rapat
Didik Kurniawanto (02/04/2017 12:11)
Anjani Ambarini (29/03/2017 12:57)
Place to stay before go to mekkah
Sakura Flowers (22/02/2017 09:23)
Tempat nikahan n tempat keberangkatan haji/umroh dari bekasi
Yogi Haryanto (15/02/2017 15:04)
Insya allah saya akan melalui tempat ini
Aep Saipul Bahri (15/02/2017 11:32)
Agus Kurniawan Driver Gojek (10/02/2017 12:20)
Mudah di cari
putri azizah (18/11/2016 22:49)
A big place for "manasik haji"
Rumah Kita (06/09/2016 19:01)
Place for final preparation of West Java province pilgrims prior to depart to kingdom of saudi arabian