Komentar :
Fransiscus Xaverius Sengui (23/04/2018 23:39)
wiko suhendra (12/04/2018 00:24)
Very good and detail in their works
Lusi Evi (09/01/2018 01:13)
Hasilnya bersih, rapi. Ada waiting roomnya, ber-AC, ada karaoke, sofa, ataupun kursi. Waiting room outdoor nya juga nyaman, berangin, ada cafenya juga. Minuman favorit disana yakult lychee 😍
James Galaktika (02/10/2017 04:25)
a good room for waiting, you can enjoy coffee and other snacks while your car being washed, it has outside room for smoking as well. just like any other places for carwash..you need to know when to avoid long queue..on sunday usually 15.00 - 18.00... hydraulic is not robotic wash machine,
Kurniawan Ku Cung Wei (19/03/2017 03:33)
Good service
Glenn Adhi Ekaputra (18/01/2017 15:34)
The only drawback is the waiting time is extra long
ademaulana fitroh (13/10/2016 08:14)