Komentar :
Roy Lumban Gaol (03/05/2018 03:03)
Andy Cheung (01/05/2018 02:04)
Nice serving and complete accesories
Robby Sihaloho (05/04/2018 01:50)
Good service
Muhammad Faisal (29/03/2018 12:58)
Not good enough for detail works
Jhon Gerald Herman Pangihutan Nainggolan (21/02/2018 08:06)
Price is expensive.
Gunterez UtaHZ Syahputra (10/02/2018 04:21)
biasa aja .. coffeee break mesti diminta2. ruang pengerjaan ternyata kecil didalam..
cs kurang ..cakep dan profesional
.. perlu di bimbing lagi.. harga nawar.
Fadlun Maros (26/05/2017 09:08)
Air conditioned but hot. Stuffs are everywhere, looks like a huge garage. Prices are negotiable. When you get here, they just ask you to hand over your car keys, just like that, to a person whose identity is unknown. And people are free to smoke, everywhere. Administration is something they need to work on. They just expect people to trust them with no receipt whatsoever? I just met them and they expect me to just trust them? And btw, these guys definitely are not good at cleaning cars. And I'm not comfortable with this kind of service.
arya007181004 (16/12/2017 04:48)
No recommended. Harga Bintang Lima, Kualitas dan Pelayanan Kaki Lima. MENGECEWAKAN.!!!
Jati Warama (30/10/2017 01:43)
Aksesoris nya mahal mahal
Toko Emas (24/10/2017 09:54)
Menang toko nya aja yg besar,udah bayar lebih mahal tapi Saya kmaren pasang jok mobil,tidak rapi,bangku mobil saya jadi rusak,pelayanannya pas dateng aja ramah,klo udah mau bayar,cs cuek semua,pokok nya jauh lah pelayananya....
Suwandi Wang (08/09/2017 17:07)
Kecewa dengan pemasangan bodykit asal2an tidak rapi. Not so recommend. Dan staff yg sangat jelek. Cuma service dri owner aja yg bertanggung jawab tapi capek jg bolak balik complain.
LION PARCEL TBA MEDAN (07/09/2017 02:13)
Lokasi Strategis, Dekat dengan Kantor Lion Parcel Gatot Subroto..
Sekar Susfina Lubis (18/04/2017 16:27)
Pekerjanya tidak profesional... Mobil grand livina saya jd rusak tv bawaannya gara2 pemasangan audio... Kemudian cs membodohi pelanggan dgn mengatakan bahwa utk koneksi layar lcd baru, ke tv bawaan harus di program ulang... Padahal ketika dikembalikan ke perangkat audio bawaannya, tv tsb tetap tidak hidup... Aksesoris mobil rusak, cs membodohi customer, pelayanan lama... BENAR BENAR TIDAK RECOMMENDED!!!!!
hoei ma yu ky (01/04/2017 08:25)
Tempat strategis. Lahan parkir luas. Ruang tunggu yg nyaman. Lengkap. Staff ramah dan informatif banget 👍👍
Ahmad Abim (25/05/2016 03:13)
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