Komentar :
Januar Rajagukguk (21/04/2018 00:21)
Defi Barus (15/04/2018 05:27)
Herman Syahputra, ST (13/03/2018 02:05)
Ok... Mantap...
Sutan Siregar (10/02/2018 05:37)
Nyaman, dan ramah
Fadlun Maros (03/04/2017 04:44)
It's okay for low end car, and so is the service. Free drinks (coffee or tea or just water). Wifi's free but the connection sucks. Toilet stinks.Somehow things just got more and more expensive as your car gets older. On average I could spend over 4 hrs waiting for my car being serviced.
Dikky Mahdani (08/03/2016 09:54)
Nice waiting room with self service coffee and full Wi Fi
Timothy Hutagaol (09/12/2014 18:38)
For a baxk up job Daihatsu is good..
Subono Lot to (25/03/2017 04:29)
Butuh Mobil, hubungi Daihatsu SM Raja (depan taman makam pahlawan) , hub : Bono 0822-1692-8247
Mister Pasaribu (09/01/2017 04:39)
Minum,wifi gratis..sepuasnya