Komentar :
roep ea (20/02/2018 02:07)
Friendly staff, clear procedure
Rudy Tantono (29/12/2017 03:10)
Fast setvice
De Gaol Karaoke (04/07/2017 07:07)
This government institution has fast response service. After proposing passport from online then when I come here , I got my passport on the same day. Most important when coming, u filled your documents completely, then checked by their staff, queuing for interviews, interviewing, then take home your passport at their locket.
Ayang Tan (15/11/2016 06:56)
erik banjar (16/02/2016 06:59)
This office has good facility and park area is enough and you can have free internet connection
Erick Leo (08/07/2017 05:39)
ok banget!
de gaol (04/07/2017 07:07)
This government institution has fast response service. After proposing passport from online then when I come here , I got my passport on the same day. Most important when coming, u filled your documents completely, then checked by their staff, queuing for interviews, interviewing, then take home your passport at their locket.
Key - 6201 (30/06/2017 06:35)
Be careful
Jennifer Minitah (14/12/2016 05:46)
pitons simbolon (11/08/2016 22:25)
Kurang up to Date. ...
Muhammad Iskandar (13/06/2016 05:33)
Fast service
Rosli Ishak Rosli (16/11/2014 16:18)
Thanks for u imigration n love u so much.
Ramadan Syahrul Nasution (08/10/2016 16:51)
Tertib dan nyaman..
yen leidong (17/04/2016 17:41)
Gak susah sekarang ngurus passport, asal rajin aja bertanya disini. Petunjuk dipapan sih masih kebanyakan berisi tentang kemudahan pengurusan passport, lebih mengarah ke iklan daripada tata caranya. saran saya kalau bisa petunjuk mengenai tata cara dari loket mana duluan trus kemana lagi selanjutnya. itu yang seharusnya lebih diperhatikan.
Berbaurlah dengan siapa saja disini, hampir semua pengunjung punya tujuan yang sama koq, gak penting kamu itu suku apa, dan mudah"an bisa lebih gampang nyari informasi.
Toko yang sediain jasa fotocopy berada pas disebelah kantor, pengalaman saya, serahkan saja semua dokumen dan kasih tau mau dipakai untuk apa hasil copy dokumen anda, mereka udah pada tau berapa lembar untuk dokumen apa dan posisi timbal balik yang betul sesuai ketentuan dari pihak kantor imigrasi.
Robby Alamsyah (20/12/2015 04:12)
salah posisi