Komentar :
Yessika Sola Gratia (13/04/2018 10:02)
Karna aku pesan lewat airy jadi fasilitas nya standar dari airy, tapi diluar itu lumayan wort it, ada lemari dua pintu, kulkas, TV lcd, full AC, kamar mandi dalam, air panas, ada view nya kota Semarang juga, harganya murah, tempat terjangkau, parkir luas dan aman.
vidia elika (02/04/2018 00:21)
Tersedia kamar kos ekslusif dan airy room. Lokasi cukup strategis, dekat dengan pusat kota. Parkir luas untuk mobil maupun motor. Kamar cukup nyaman dengan fasilitas AC, air panas, TV, kulkas, namun tidak tersedia handuk, selimut, dan toiletries.
Pelayanan baik, penjaga ramah
Nanda Kanoko (24/03/2018 07:16)
First of all, this is not a hotel. It's an exclusive, boarding house (kos) with amenities close to a 1-2 star hotel. Price range around 200k IDR / 15$. The room i stayed has a double bed, flat TV, mini refrigerator, cupboard, and shower with functional hot water, albeit not too hot. It also has air conditioning, but it wasn't fully optimum. They serve no breakfast, since it was not a hotel. The room itself is nice and clean, and has proper size, not too small nor too big. Location wise, it was a bit hard to find, since it wasn't located nearby main road. But it has enough space for parking your cars nonetheless. This place would be suitable for backpacker, or short term stay since they also offer monthly package. 4/5
Budi Prayitno (20/08/2017 01:54)
Vin Illusion G (07/03/2017 10:57)
One stop to have a rest or stay here for daily weekly or monthly..
Tri Yono (17/07/2016 10:30)
Andoru Ray (21/11/2017 17:18)
Yang jaga kosan, galak. Serius.
sandy maruli (02/09/2017 02:12)
Jos bosku
Dhani Irawan (08/07/2017 07:40)
Kos-kosan eksklusif untuk para traveller atau bacpakcker di semarang dekat dengan kampus Undip dan tempat makan
David Liem (31/03/2017 06:01)
Sangat tidak puas, internet lemot, toilet kotor tidak layak, pelayanan tidak ramah sama sekali, tidak akan pernah menginap disini lagi.
Yosoa Putra Raharja (29/03/2017 00:19)
Saya kos mingguan disini, kamar mandinya tidak terlalu bersih padahal petugas bilang sudah di bersihkan
DanZelt 31 (17/03/2017 16:46)
Kalo mati lampu ga ada ac sumuk tuenan
Vin Illusion Gunawan (07/03/2017 10:57)
One stop to have a rest or stay here for daily weekly or monthly..
handoko widjaja (11/11/2016 11:50)
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