Komentar :
Syarif Hidayat (16/04/2018 12:48)
Bagus banget, khususnya untuk buku buku yang sesuai dengan alquran dan sunnah
Fakhrudin Shodas (14/03/2018 05:46)
Alhamdulillah, nyaman belanjanya, semoga barokah...
Fathanis Kerberos (08/02/2018 10:42)
Great.. masha Allah
farida pane (06/11/2017 11:52)
Tempat lengkap untuk berbelanja aneka keperluan muslim seperti pakaian, buku, herbal dan oleh2 umroh/haji
Saras Wati (05/07/2017 02:55)
It's a good place to buy islamic books, moslem outfits, and herbal remedies. They also sell dates and imported chocolate. They give some free dates away for those who are fasting on monday and thursday. The place is clean and it has air conditioner. The collection of books, clothes and the herbal medicine is quite many.
Toko kitab, gamis, koko, jilbab dan herbal yang nyaman dan cukup kpmplit. Ad juga kurma dan coklat import dr arab. Thumbs up!