Komentar :
Hans Mixerr (28/05/2018 17:07)
Cozy tempatnya...
Ada Guiness lagi, (jarang - jarang
ada yg mau stock guiness) 👍...
sukses terus....
Yusuf Kurniawan (19/04/2018 11:41)
If that's a river, then I'm a president. Misleading name. The food is good, though.
Kresna Perwira (06/04/2018 01:53)
remang-remang enak, adalah kata yang cocok untuk menggambarkan river view cafe. lokasinya strategis dengan varian makanan dengan beragam harga menjadi spot favorite untuk hangout makan siang atau setelah kerja. Recommend capucchinonya. FREE WIFI!
Okva Harin (30/03/2018 14:50)
Cozy place to hang out, reasonable price.
VRH (25/11/2017 15:37)
A small cafe located not far from Simpang Lima area. It is a bit difficult to locate the property since it has only sign on the wall that's a bit difficult to notice from the usual traffic.
You have to use the stairs to go to the cafe since it is located sorta like on the second floor.
Please bear in mind that there is an actual river underneath the cafe but it is very dirty and not much as a view as the name suggested.
The place is not very crowded but looks busy since it is on the same property as a guesthouse.
The food here are typical of a cafe with salads, steaks, pasta kind of dishes.
Artha Wibawa (13/11/2017 01:37)
Beli beer 1 tower, bonus 2 pitcher mix beer... 🖒🖒🖒
Fransis (18/04/2017 08:58)
Live music,cozy and strategic place,many choices of food and beverage,outdoor and indoor
Sri Untari (22/11/2017 15:37)
Pas event kesini. Small room dikasi ac segede gaban 2 ampe menggigil. Makanannya lumayan. Viewnya memang oke. Tapi tangganya itu mengerikan. Sangat ga rekomended buat yang bawa anak-anak atau yang minusnya tinggi kaya saya. Meleng dikit bisa kepleset
Yoga Migel (07/10/2017 14:38)
oriza shaviraarifina (17/06/2017 09:56)
Good view
Agil Saputro (29/04/2017 02:30)
Deket simpang lima kalo mau nongkrong
Fransis AF (18/04/2017 08:58)
Live music,cozy and strategic place,many choices of food and beverage,outdoor and indoor
Anggraeni Puspita Dewi (03/02/2017 19:23)
Cozy banget buat yang suka nongkrong barwng sahabat dan harga yang terjangkau
indra nugroho (07/11/2016 09:22)
dengan view jalan Achmad dahlan, kalau malem ok banget....
Natalius HW (08/07/2016 08:58)
Love this cafe
Teguh Prasetyono (13/09/2014 17:19)
Quality time
Febrica Paramita (21/05/2013 13:38)
Agen Villabatu (17/09/2016 15:44)
didin setiawan (07/09/2016 03:22)
tempatnya bagus..tapi kopinya kurang..mohon tingkatkan lagi..
danny ardianta (15/11/2015 14:49)