Komentar :
Yuri Anto (11/09/2019 15:14)
Beruang Sirkus (13/04/2019 03:32)
luthfi khairul (01/05/2018 09:56)
Sa'dun Achmad (12/03/2018 17:29)
speed josh
Yusril Ramadhan (30/06/2016 12:21)
Aside from the fact that this is government building, you can browsing and or downloading using high speed internet connection. Just pay Rp5000 you can get internet connection for 12hrs duration.
The place is hot in daytime, of course it's an outdoor place. I mean, it's get really hot and there's little wind. You can expect a lot of air pollution because it's located on the side of the road. Be careful when you're here in night, because you may get bite from mosquito (I'm not saying one or three, last time I went there it was a lot. I couldn't stop scratching my skin). There's some upgrade for the bench.
Conclusion: You can get very cheap high speed internet connection although you have to sacrifice yourself from air pollution. Internet speed: 4/5. Place: 3/5.
Acrasena id (10/03/2018 20:00)
speed josh
Satrio Bp (11/08/2017 07:36)
Henis Setyarin (19/03/2017 11:23)
Sis wono (19/12/2016 14:28)
Great service
Muhammad Bunyan (17/06/2017 05:02)
Tempat bersih, pelyanan nya ga sia sia.. Tapi tempat parkir buat spm kalo siang bisa kepanasan. Ga ada atapnya. Jadi kena matahari langsung
Nugraha Dwi (15/06/2017 07:22)
tempat untuk berinternet ria dengangan kecepatan tinggi hingga 100 Mbps
imam sugondo (25/03/2017 15:13)
Full akses wifi.id... luas... bersih... nyaman... pelayanan ramah...
Galih Permana Putra (17/03/2017 16:22)
Asik buat nongkrong
Faza Abdani Auni Robbi (17/01/2017 12:36)
lumayanlah hehehe
Wyen Handoko Budhi kurniawan (15/01/2017 23:55)
Custemer servicenya ramah - ramah, pelayanannya cepet. Top bgt
nurwahid abu nazneen (04/01/2017 08:47)
Tempat wifi
Achmad Chafid Chabibi (21/08/2016 03:09)
Terlalu banyak pengguna, dan tempatnya banyak nyamuk