Komentar :
Krisna Nugraha (29/04/2018 12:27)
First it is inexpensive. Location easy to access. The fried chicken's taste are comparable with other larger franchise restaurant. But the menus are not various. If you are craving to eat fastfood with friendly price. Then this is the right place to eat.
Fajar Gitaningrum (29/04/2018 10:29)
nice place, inexpensive price
Abid Affandi Wedatama (12/04/2018 11:02)
This is supposed to be a good cheap fried chicken. But i think Olive in Tembalang and Banyumanik have a different flavors with the same branch in Yogyakarta as the better ones.
Aditya Aryadi (28/01/2018 08:35)
Edith Eve (17/01/2018 04:57)
Not gonna lie. After I know this fried chicken I no longer buy fried chicken on FKC or DcMonalds again. This seriously beat those two huge franchise. Apalagi kalo belinya yang masih fresh dari penggorengan.
ferlyne dea (31/07/2017 04:09)
My lil girl so enjoy the menu in here
Vino Satwika (04/04/2017 18:02)
Alternative for those who don't know where to go to eat, with limited budget. Cleanliness could be improved.
Tedy Arch (04/09/2017 08:16)
cheap price...
ringgi indriana (18/08/2017 14:30)
Delicious and cheaper
Ihzamarindha (13/04/2017 04:22)
Cheap n worth it.
Juan Patrik (01/03/2017 12:15)
Cheap fried chicken , worth it with the size , only 10k
A. Dhani Adam (22/02/2017 01:29)
This. Is. Good. Period! 👏👏
Dony Amartha (06/09/2016 13:44)
arif budiman (05/08/2016 05:37)
Cheap and crispy, very worth it
Dhatu Swasti (27/06/2016 12:42)
Good price good food. Standart ambiance.
nur akbari Hidayat (16/08/2016 09:20)
Murah dan enak
Santi Fresti (03/02/2016 14:42)
Makan enak murah pas sama kantong mahasiswa.
Mama Sandy's (02/02/2016 16:15)
Senengané anakku...