Komentar :
ircham mahfud (27/05/2018 16:06)
tempatnya nyaman
Bahtiar Azizi (27/05/2018 04:54)
the employee is nice and it's clean
Vino Satwika (02/05/2018 00:43)
The only McDonalds in the uptown, it could get crowdy at all times. They definitely need to expand their area size.
anjaya aesinanto (28/04/2018 05:28)
zaqw zaqw (09/04/2018 00:45)
rifky izha salasta (04/04/2018 10:25)
Rangga Aditya (13/03/2018 19:58)
Things move fast at McDonald’s, whether we’re serving our customers or helping our people build their futures. In our workplace, we promote flexibility, opportunity, equality and development. McDonald’s employees come from all walks of life, but share a common approach: positivity. We know that happy employees help to make happy customers, so we want you to enjoy your work.
Great opportunities at McDonald’s come with training to match. Every year, we invest over £43 million in developing our people. Every one of the 110,000 employees working for McDonald’s has the opportunity to take part in structured training, whether it’s in customer service, team work or financial management. Plus, you can achieve an array of qualifications with us, many of them nationally recognised.
Neng Fit (11/12/2017 22:48)
Final destination for you guys, especially if you have to eat at a later time.
Akbar Faisal (21/09/2017 04:41)
Fast food but long que. Need more service improvement
Radiksa Arvian (20/07/2017 23:00)
Great mcdonalds, small but excellent services
charles nayoan (25/08/2017 05:13)
Fast service
Evan Dewangga (20/05/2017 11:09)
Fast service, just great restaurant after or before do shopping.
denny bambang (11/05/2017 09:37)
Qisthy Qairawan (04/05/2017 08:37)
Di Ada swalayan banyumanik. Tempat nya outdoor dan indoor. Selesai belanja. Bisa langsung makan.
Kukuh R (26/02/2017 08:43)
Ibnu Sulhan (16/01/2017 01:42)
It's McDonalds, pretty self-explanatory.
Rudi Wibowo (17/10/2016 11:01)
Nyam nyam
Dhatu Swasti (24/09/2016 02:38)
The music is too loud
rizqi mulyantara (15/09/2016 09:05)
Wahyudi D. Hartanto (11/10/2016 00:44)
makanan cepat saji yang dimana-mana rasanya yaa sama aja enaknya
AZZA ALIFA MUHAMMAD (16/09/2016 07:53)
Good place to kongkow
Alfin Faidz (09/09/2016 04:33)
Tempatnya enak buat nongkrong tapi gak 24 jam sayangnya.
patricia briliani (04/05/2016 03:14)
Makanannya enak, suasanana resto nya nyaman
Santi Fresti (23/01/2016 08:21)
coke/cola float ada terbaik se-semarang.
hengki firman syah (22/07/2014 15:21)
It's very crowded when lunch and afternoon because so much people hungry after shopping
Farizal Jibran (02/04/2014 03:55)
Very interesting
Iendra Cung (26/12/2012 11:28)
Tau yg nsmanya antri gak seee.