Komentar :
Natanael H (06/08/2020 19:16)
Wahyu Kuswidianty (27/01/2020 23:16)
One of best shuttle if u wanna go solo and yogyakarta, provide premium and regular class.. Both are comfortable car.. Good customer service..price also reasonable..
Fatmah Aprillia (27/01/2020 02:59)
Best shuttle ever. Comfort seat and good service
lewat email (15/01/2020 00:13)
You will never be able to phone them!!
Erik Hadi (06/01/2020 00:00)
nice..on time
Imam Masrufi (14/06/2019 02:36)
good shelter to for wait the bus arrive. With air conditioner inside, need to worry about weather. And good customer service too.
susan alvina (17/09/2018 00:06)
Their staff named this place as "akpol pool station". Best pool choice if your destination or nearest place is anywhere around candi, semeru or gadjah mungkur. From three pool of choice for joglosemar, i found this place is the most comfortable, why? Because this pool located inside the sisingamangaraja gas filling station that have the cleanest restroom in semarang ????
Kunto Suryono (26/09/2019 00:00)
Nur Basuki Rachmanto (01/01/2019 14:14)
Clean & convenient. No pick-up service, though....
yusak muliadi (28/03/2018 11:19)
Coz easy to find inside of gas station sisingamangaraja
Astutee Muaniesz (08/05/2018 17:17)
tak hanya pesawat..travel juga bisa delay.. waktu tempuhnya lama..bagi yang ke jogja dan ingin cepat sampai mungkin lebih baik pergi menggunakan patas.karena joglosemar waktu tempuhnya 4jam (lebih lama satu jam dibandingkan denga waktu tempuh bis patas semarang-jogja)
Arif Cahyo (14/04/2018 04:39)
Mau ke Jogja
Mirza Halim (14/04/2018 04:02)
Sebenernya bagus sih ada transportasi ke Jogja malem malem. Tapi sayang sekali kemaren, 13 April 2017 armada terlambat datang 1 jam dan lajunya sangat lambat sehingga saya telat check in hotel dan hangus. Semoga lain kali ketika menggunakan jasa layanan Joglosemar bisa tepat waktu dan tidak mengecewakan. Aamiin.
Azwar Phsy (28/02/2018 03:45)
bahlul cjdw (21/11/2017 22:10)
Yudi Kupretz (18/07/2017 17:30)
A start point if you want to travel using joglosemar transport
Alexander Bagus P (11/07/2017 15:23)
Good Pool Z service
Gideon S (03/06/2017 06:07)
Pool with SPBU and facility (toilet, bright, dll)
bahlul W (21/11/2017 22:10)
Kukuh R (22/10/2017 08:54)
Prasetyo Budi Widagdo (10/09/2017 03:58)
bad services
I Gde Yudhi Hendrawan (18/07/2017 17:30)
A start point if you want to travel using joglosemar transport
Ika Sari Ika (18/07/2017 11:44)
Not a hommy place
edane sodiq (30/06/2017 09:42)
liem kikie (21/02/2017 09:15)
Dekat mini mart, atm, dunkin
Yoshivina Christ Wibowo (31/01/2017 10:36)
ini no telepon Valid tidak ya? berulang kali ditelepon tidak diangkat.
caesar adam (27/12/2016 17:21)
SPBU terbaik setelah ahmad yani
K AMRULLAH (11/12/2016 08:50)
Tempatnya nyaman
Rudi Wibowo (25/08/2016 01:25)